

We provide free online training to our employees through Relias Learning.  Click here to access the site. Contact our office if you need a username and password.

New Hire Orientation
This is a two-hour session during which you will learn about our policies, documentation guidelines, and deadlines. It explains the payroll process, tracking hours, etc. Also covered are required HCBS topics such as confidentiality, incident reporting, etc. This must be completed within 15 days of hire  (**Employees working with clients on the Children’s Mental Health Waiver must take Orientation PRIOR to working)

SCL Documentation Training| Completed online
A one-hour course is required for employees who will provide Supported Community Living services.  Documentation rules are reviewed along with examples of completing SCL notes.

Fraud Prevention Training | Completed online
Must be completed at time of hire and each year thereafter.

Workplace Violence Training | Completed online
Must be completed at time of hire and each year thereafter.

Mandatory Child Abuse & Dependent Adult Abuse Reporter Courses | Completed online through the DHS website:
Employees who have previously completed an approved course can provide proof of training to our office.

Brain Injury Waiver Training | Completed online
This course is only required if you work with an individual receiving services through the Brain Injury (BI) Waiver.

Children’s Mental Health Waiver Training | Completed online
Several courses are required if you work with an individual receiving services through the Children’s Mental Health (CMH) Waiver

*Additional training may be requested by a parent if it’s necessary to provide excellent care to the consumer.